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                about us
                about us

                Company Profile

                Shanghai Realic Information Technology Co., Ltd. has been focusing on exploring photons arcane for more than ten years, aiming to create leading opto-mechanical application technical services, and provide leading experimental systems and opto-mechanical modules for scientific researchers and technical workers.Over the years, UPOLabs has independently developed liquid crystal spatial light modulators, structured light optical module products and other core optical devices, covering fields including laser beam shaping, computational optics, adaptive optics, holographic display, laser processing, machine vision, etc.UPOlabs has served more than 100 universities and research institutes, and is actively promoting the research results of universities to the industrial field, transforming them into related products to build a communication bridge for scientific and technological applications.


                Development Path

                In 2014, UPOLabs was supported by the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Fund, and launched HDSLM, MagicHolo, LETO and other brands, and released different versions of UPOLabs SLM application software.

                In 2015, application accessories such as liquid crystal spatial light modulator timing controller were successfully developed and launched to the market, meeting the urgent needs of many customers.

                In 2016, The high frame rate liquid crystal spatial light modulator HDSLM63R version 1.0 was released, and the vortex light application software MagicHoloVortexBeam system was released.

                In 2016, it successfully developed a series of multi-line laser products, applied diffractive optics technology to the field of 3D measurement, made scientific research achievements meet industrial needs, and perfectly realized the technology landing.

                In 2017, UPOLabs took the lead in releasing the LC-SLM HDSLM80R-TEC in the 1550nm band and the LC-SLM HDSLM80R-NIR in the near-infrared band in China. Industrial application development in the field of communications.

                In 2018, UPOLabs released the high frame rate small pixel liquid crystal spatial light modulator HDSLM45R version 1.0 and the LETOSC21RA laser controller version 1.0.

                In 2018, UPOLabs served many equipment integrators in the field of machine vision 3D measurement, and provided professional laser modules for 3C manufacturers.

                In 2020, UPOLabs liquid crystal spatial light modulator control software project (project number 202008561) was awarded the Shanghai High-tech Achievement Transformation Certificate.

                In 2021, UPOLabs released the 4K series liquid crystal spatial light modulator HDSLM36R, SLM entered the 4K era, and released the liquid crystal spatial light modulator HDSLM80R-Plus series, the era of full HD SLM10bit is coming.


                Branded Advantages

                Product strength

                ▪ Has been focusing on the research and development of spatial light modulators for more than 10 years, with more than 20 product models of liquid crystal spatial light modulators, more than 10 product models of DMD spatial light modulators, and 10 product models of 4K spatial light modulators .

                ▪ Focus on the research and development of structured light devices for machine vision applications. It is a leader in the structured light laser industry. Structured light products have a large depth of field and a thin line width, and are rich in variety. They have been widely used in binocular stereo cameras, handheld 3D scanners, etc.

                ▪ The self-owned MAGICHOLO light field control experiment software integrates many light field control algorithms, which can not only generate various commonly used special light fields, but also perform spatial superposition and functional superposition to achieve various transformations, which can be applied to any resolution and Pixel-sized liquid crystal spatial light modulator.

                R & D strength

                ▪ The R&D team accounts for 60% of the company's total staff.

                ▪ Among the R&D personnel, more than 50% have a master's degree or above, and 5 have senior doctoral degrees in related fields.

                ▪ The majors of R&D personnel include electronic information, physical/optical engineering, mechanical structure and other related knowledge fields.

                ▪ Established in-depth industrial research cooperation with Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an University of Technology, Shanghai University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology and other universities to overcome difficulties.

                Production Ability

                ▪ Scientific and perfect quality control system

                ▪ 10,000-level ultra-clean production workshop

                ▪ Own production line



                As a high-tech enterprise, UPOLabs has been recognized by the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission for the transformation of high-tech achievements and supported by scientific and technological innovation funds. The company insists on providing powerful tools for the transformation of scientific research achievements, and has obtained 2 high-tech achievements transformation projects in Shanghai. Its subsidiaries have a total of 4 invention patents, more than 10 utility model patents, more than 20 software copyrights, and an average of more than 10 new intellectual property rights every year.



                UPOLabs has always been on the front line, providing powerful tools for the transformation of scientific research results. At present, it has served more than 100 well-known scientific research institutions, enterprises and institutions.

                Research institutes: Shanghai Institute of Optics and Mechanics, Changchun Institute of Optics and Mechanics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Mechanics, etc.

                Institutions: Rocket Army Engineering University, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, etc.

                Famous companies: Huawei, Sunny, Facebook, Zhongguan, Tianyuan 3D, Shining 3D, Beijing Weijing, etc.

                Participate in supporting national major scientific research projects: 10+.

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