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                西安交通大学现代设计与转子轴承系统教育部重点实验室,中国科学院光〓电研究所, 微细加工光学技术国家重点实验室利用HDSLM80R开展通过采用相干非衍射场的零线来增加涡流晶格图案的多光√束实验。该论∞文发表于Optics Express Vol. 27, Issue 15, pp. 21652-21666 (2019)。 

                The number of zero lines of the real and imaginary parts of the optical vortex (OV), both are the same as the topological charge (TC), and all of these lines intersect at one point where the phase singularity is. Furthermore, zero crossings distribute regularly on the transverse plane of the OV lattice. Zero lines of the real and imaginary parts of the nondiffracting fields without OV that generated by multi-waves interference are periodic but coincident. We stack two groups of these kind of zero lines which can be regarded as a set of zero lines of the real part and a set of zero lines of the imaginary part respectively, to satisfy the cross state of zero lines of an OV lattice. Then two groups of multi-waves corresponding to the two fields can be obtained. The expected OV lattice that generated by the two groups of engineered waves interference together is validated through both numerical simulations and experiments.


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