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              1. <blockquote id='BWzsKl'><q id='BWzsKl'><noscript id='BWzsKl'></noscript><dt id='BWzsKl'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='BWzsKl'><i id='BWzsKl'></i>
                北京邮电大学电子,北京邮电♀大学天地互联与融合北京市重点实验室,北京邮电大学信息光子学与光通信国家重点实验室利用HDSLM756D65开展基于数字微镜器件和扩散器的轨道角动量复用通信链路的高效分选实验,该论文㊣发表于Optics Express Vol. 30, Issue 4, pp. 6203-6215 (2022).
                Efficient sorting multiple orbital angular momentum (OAM) spatial modes is a significant step in OAM multiplexing communications. Recently, wavefront shaping (WS) techniques have been implemented to manipulate light scattering through a diffuser. We reported a novel scheme for sorting multiplexed OAM modes faster and more accurately, using the complex amplitude WS based on a digital micromirror device (DMD) through a diffuser to shape the full field (phase and amplitude) of the OAM modes. In this study, we simulate this complex sorter for demultiplexing multiple modes and make a performance comparison with the previous sorter using the phase-only WS. Our results showed that for arbitrary two multiplexed modes, the sorter could achieve a high detection probability of more than 0.99. As the number of the multiplexed modes increases, the detection probability decreases to ~0.82 when sorting seven modes, which contrasts the ~0.71 of the phase-only sorters. We also experimentally verified the feasibility, that 
                for arbitrary two modes, the sorter could reach a high detection probability of more than 0.99, and the complex sorter is capable of higher detection probability than the phase-only sorter under the same conditions. Hence, we anticipate that this sorter may potentially be demultiplexing multiple OAM spatial modes efficiently and quickly.

                上海市徐汇区钦江路88号东楼五层 021-54960856 网站备案:沪ICP备15043820号