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                哈尔滨工业大学利用HDSLM63R实现多路复用椭圆光学涡旋的可控旋转,该论文发表于Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,Volume52,Number 49.

                We propose a highly efficient phase modulation method for generating an elliptic optical vortex with an arbitrary controllable rotation angle, that can be recognized as a controllable degree of freedom. A transformation matrix and rotation matrix were used to realize the modulation of the light field. We numerically and experimentally demonstrate the control capability of Bessel beam and higher-order Laguerre–Gauss vortex modes. The rotation angle β, elliptic degree e and multiplexing elliptic optical vortices could be freely modulated by using the proposed method. This work is important for the progress of programmable optical tweezers, as well as for automated optical transport operations which are of interest in colloidal physics and biophysics. It can also be applied in high-dimensional and multiphoton quantum experiments.


                上海市徐汇区钦江路88号东楼五层 021-54960856 网站备案:沪ICP备15043820号