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                中科大利用HDSLM64R完成的光子拓扑荷测量课题:径向相位光栅测量拓扑荷,发表于应用物理评论APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 112, 122602 (2018)

                A method to detect the photonic topological charges (TCs) of optical vortex beams using a radial phase grating is proposed and demonstrated. The modulus of TCs can be obtained by the number of dark stripes of far-field diffraction patterns, and the sign of TCs is determined by the orientation of the patterns. The detection of TCs up to ±120 is demonstrated with this scheme. In addition, through investigating the evolution of patterns with various azimuthal periods of the grating and the distance between the centers of the grating and vortex beams, we show that this detection scheme has excellent alignment tolerance and does not have stringent requirements on the parameters of the grating.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61275049).


                上海市徐汇区钦江路88号东楼五层 021-54960856 网站备案:沪ICP备15043820号